Today I have a guest post from Kim Curran, author of the Shifter trilogy. You can read my reviews of the books: Shift, Control and Delete. It's a YA sci-fi action series and the final book has just come out. I also interviewed Kim a couple of years ago, around when Control was released. By the way, be sure to read to the very end of the post where there's a giveaway.
Top ten things that help inspire me to write
1) Burning ideas I can’t get out of my head and that wake me up at night
This is the best bit of being a writer: when an idea blindsides you and you just have to, HAVE TO, write it. You feel like your head is a balloon about to take flight. Nothing beats that feeling. Not book deals or publication days. It’s the best.

2) My office
I’m lucky enough to have a room at home that’s dedicated to writing. Which mostly means it’s packed full of books, free-range post-it notes (that won’t stay stuck to my walls) and a handful of toys. It’s a mess, but it’s a space that’s all mine.
3) Busy trains / buses
There’s no better way to block out annoying commuters than to lose yourself in a world of your own creation. I wrote most of Shift and Control long hand while on my commute to and from work on the 243 bus from Waterloo to Shoreditch.
4) A new notebook
When I have one of those shiny exciting ideas I have to start scribbling it down before it floats away. And so a beautiful, clean and unspoiled notebook becomes a must. My brand of choice is Leuchtturm1917. Although don’t ask me to pronounce it.
5) Other authors
When I read a truly great book, one that makes me sigh over its brilliance, it pushes me to want to be a better writer.
6) My friends and family
More often than not, I have very little faith in myself as a writer. Which is when having people around me who believe in me, and will me to go on, is so important.
7) My tattoos
I got them after going through a phase where I seriously considered giving up writing. Now they’re a reminder that I can’t give up no matter what.
8) Boredom
Nothing inspires me to sit down and make up new world more than having nothing to do. It’s my mother’s fault. If ever I whinged, “I’m bored!” she would counter with, “Well you can do the washing up, that will keep you amused.” And suddenly I’d come up with something to entertain myself.
9) My dinosaur onesie
When I’m having a low day, I pull on my dinosaur onesie, wag my tail and feel suddenly better about everything.
10) My readers
Knowing there are people out there who enjoy reading what I’ve written and who might like to read what I write next, well, it’s the most humbling form of inspiration there is.
Dublin-born Kim Curran is the award-nominated author of books for young adults, including Shift, Control and Delete.
She studied Philosophy & Literature at university with the plan of being paid big bucks to think deep thoughts. While that never quite worked out, she did land a job as a junior copywriter with an ad agency a week after graduating. She’s worked in advertising ever since and is obsessed with the power of the media on young minds.
She is a mentor at the Ministry of Stories and for the WoMentoring Project. And lives in London with her husband and too many books.
To find out more visit, or follow Kim on Twitter or Goodreads.
To win all three books in the Shifter trilogy enter in the Rafflecopter widget below!a Rafflecopter giveaway
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