Monday, 15 June 2015

Tsana's June Status

It's been another strange month in a year of strange months. A portion of my time has been taken up reading slush for Defying Doomsday (submissions close at the end of the month!), and a scarily large portion has been taken up with reading comics because I got a Marvel Unlimited subscription (well, a free month because there was an Age of Ultron promotion), and have been trying to make the most of it. So there have been a lot of comic reviews and a lot more to come. On the bright side, it has meant I haven't had to stress about blog content in between slushing (and work and other real life matters). Marvel Unlimited is a pretty good deal at $10 USD/month and I think I'll buy another month of it a little while down the track. For now I definitely need a break from comics, I think. There were a few too many comic-related dreams the past month...

What Have I Read?

As I said, a lot of comics...

Currently Reading

Runaways. I only have 12 issues to go before there's no more at all. Then probably more comics because I only have a few days before I have to cancel the Marvel Unlimited subscription. Not sure what novel I'll read next but it will probably come from the review e-pile. And of course, slush.

New Booksies

I haven't added Marvel Unlimited stuff to LibraryThing since I do't exactly get to keep them. So this is (as per usual) stuff I've bought or received for review.
  • Gotham Academy Vol 1 by Becky Cloonan (DC Comics, for review)
  • Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (my shiny ARC for doing the science checking. And it is particularly shiny for an ARC)
  • The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness (for review, I've already read it but it's not out until October, so you'll have to wait to read the review. But I will say, this book is pretty awesome and you should add it to your TBR/want to buy lists)
  • Firefight by Brandon Sanderson (book 2 of the Reckoners, purchased)
  • Trees by Warren Ellis (comic, purchased after enjoying free issue #1)
  • Earth  by KJ Taylor (second book in the series, released soon after the first, for review)
  • Accessing the Future edited by Kathryn Allan and Djibril al-Ayad (an anthology I backed on Indiegogo and which I probably won't read for a while for semi-obvious reasons)
  • Protecting the Heart by Nicole Murphy (book 3 in the series, for review)
  • The Blackmail Blend by Livia Day (a novelette in the CafĂ© La Femme series, set between books 1 and 2, for review)
  • ODY-C Vol 1: The Heaviest Trip is the One Back Home by Matt Fraction (a comic series that friends recommended and which then conveniently appeared on NetGalley)

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