Since this last round-up only, er, rounds up five books, it's a little less varied. Or, as one could put it, the Rowena Cory Daniells show round-up.
- I read the second two books in Daniells's Outcast Chronicles: Exile and Sanctuary. Which were excellent. I highly recommend the series to anyone who enjoys epic fantasy. Daniells is the cream of the crop.
- I also read The King's Man, a novella Daniells wrote in her King Rolen's Kin series. It follows a character who disappears at the end of the second book (presumed dead by the point of view characters in the trilogy), and to whom many horrible things happen. Daniels is good at torturing her character.
- I read urban fantasy book Harbinger by Peta Crake, about a mortal messenger of the (multi-polytheistic) gods. It was a fun read and a light change of pace, well, apart from all the suffering the main character had to go through...
- And finally, I read Shine Light by Marianne de Pierres, the dramatic conclusion to her Nightcreatures trilogy, which began with Burn Bright. It made me wish I'd read the whole series in one go (or at least, close together, not separated as it was by release dates). So if you haven't read it yet, take heed and make sure you have access to all three.
SF Books Read:
- Spare Parts by Sally Rogers-Davidson -- review
- Nightsiders by Sue Isles -- review
- Wanted: One Scoundrel by Jenny Schwartz -- review
- 3a. Courting Trouble by Jenny Schwartz -- review
- The Rhesus Factor by Sonny Whitelaw -- review
- Black Glass by Meg Mundell -- review
- When We Have Wings by Claire Corbett -- review
- Polymer by Sally Rogers-Davidson -- review
- And All the Stars by Andrea K Höst -- review
- Shifting Reality by Patty Jansen -- review
- Blue Silence by Michelle Marquardt -- review
SF round up

Other (Mostly Fantasy) Books Read:
- Eon by Alison Goodman (review)
- Eona by Alison Goodman (review, same page as above)
- Hoodwink by Rhonda Roberts (review)
- Debris by Jo Anderton (review)
- The Blood Countess by Tara Moss (review)
- The Spider Goddess by Tara Moss (review)
- Bad Power by Deborah Biancotti (review)
- Reign of Beasts by Tansy Rayner Roberts (review)
- Thief of Lives by Lucy Sussex (review)
- Angel Arias by Marianne de Pierres (review)
- Secret Ones by Nicole Murphy (review)
- Power Unbound by Nicole Murphy (review)
- Ember and Ash by Pamela Freeman (review)
- Mercy by Rebecca Lim (review)
- Shift by Em Bailey (review)
- Bonus: Interview with Em Bailey
- Destiny of the Light by Louise Cousack (review)
- The Dark Divide by Jennifer Fallon (review)
- Winter Be My Shield by Jo Spurrier (review)
- Slights by Kaaron Warren (review)
- Suited by Jo Anderton (review)
- Showtime by Narrelle M Harris (review)
- The Interrogation Ashayla Wolf by Ambelin Kwaymullina (review)
- When You Wish Upon a Rat / Careful What You Wish For by Maureen McCarthy (review)
- Rogue Gadda by Nicole Murphy (review)
- Besieged by Rowena Cory Daniells (review)
- Beneath a Rising Moon by Keri Arthur (review)
- The Traitor Queen by Trudi Canavan (review)
- The Price of Fame by RC Daniells (review)
- Ms Cellophane by Gillian Polack (review)
- Coyote by Rhonda Roberts (review)
- Harbinger by Peta Crake (review)
- Exile by Rowena Cory Daniells (review)
- Sanctuary by Rowena Cory Daniells (review)
- Shine Light by Marianne de Pierres (review)
- Cracklescape by Margo Lanagan (review)
- The King's Man by Rowena Cory Daniells (review)
Round up 1, Round up 2, Round up 3

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