Jo Spurrier was born in 1980 and has a Bachelor of Science, but turned to writing because people tend to get upset when scientists make things up. Her interests include knitting, spinning, cooking and research. She lives in Adelaide and spends a lot of time daydreaming about snow.
The final book in your Children of the Black Sun trilogy came out a few months ago. How does it feel to finally have the full trilogy out in the world?

The whole Children of the Black Sun trilogy deals with, among other things, the thoughtful story arc of Isidro loosing the use of his arm. Unlike a lot of stories, the warrior is not sidelined out of the story nor magically healed. Can you share your thoughts about this sort of representation?

Now that the whole Children of the Black Sun trilogy is finished and out in the world, what have you been working on? What can readers expect to see next from you?
And now for something completely different! I wanted to work on something with a completely different set of world rules and character constraints. My next story is set in a world that combines elements of India and ancient Greece, in the post-cataclysmic aftermath of a failed industrial revolution. I’m interested in what happens when a fantasy world reaches the technological age, and I suppose what I have in mind could be considered steampunk, though I’m consciously trying to avoid a lot of the steampunk tropes. In any case, I have been reliably informed that it can’t be steampunk unless it has some link to Victorian Britain, which this story definitely does not have. It’s about refugees and displaced people, about what happens when the fabric of society unravels, and what people are capable of when they have nothing left to lose.
What Australian works have you loved recently?
I’ve been re-reading The Eternal Frontier by Tim Flannery, which follows the natural history of North America over the last 65 million years. If it seems an odd choice, it’s because I’ve found it hard to focus on a novel while looking after my baby, and it’s a book I can open to any page and start reading when I have a few minutes to spare.
Have recent changes in the publishing industry influenced the way you work? What do you think you will be publishing/writing/reading in five years from now?

This interview was conducted as part of the 2014 Snapshot of Australian Speculative Fiction. We’ll be blogging interviews from 28 July to 10 August and archiving them at SF Signal. You can read interviews at: (here)
Any idea when these books will be available in the USA?
ReplyDeleteYou can buy them from Fishpond (link) which has "free" worldwide shipping (scare quotes because they also mark the books up a few dollars to make up for it). But otherwise no idea. I don't think that the US rights have been sold (which is silly because Voyager is a multinational but all that seems to mean is that US and UK books flow INto Australia at a slightly higher rate, and NOT that Australian books have an increased chance of flowing out to the rest of the world *grumblerant*).